We feel over the years schools have convinced themselves the reason their ICT isn't delivering is that their expectations must be too high – we're here to tell you this simply isn't true!
Elementary ICT was founded because we know that ICT can deliver and we don't believe it needs to cost a small fortune to get you there.
Our small team of dedicated staff have over 35 years of combined operational experience maintaining and delivering ICT at both school and Local Authority level.

Hiring someone to manage your ICT is a pivotal decision for any organisation - like so many industries, ICT has infiltrated schools to the point where they are no longer able to function without it so making sure you select the right partner is crucial.
We feel Elementary ICT is different from most IT Support companies you'll come across:
- Every single member of staff has worked in and for schools for many years and understands your unique working environment.
- We don’t sell any 3rd Party hardware or software – in our opinion a service provider who recommends upgrades that can be purchased through their own company risks introducing uncertainty about the impartiality of their advice.
- No hidden extras - we state very clearly what our service does and doesn't include, we don't like surprises any more than you do, so we work very hard to ensure everything is very clearly defined.
We feel the level of personal investment you get from staff within your own organisation isn't something that has to be absent from the relationship you enjoy with an external service provider.
We pride ourselves on having a friendly and approachable service and we always make an effort to explain what we do in language that can be easily understood – if you'd like to discuss the needs of your school or organisation we'd love to hear from you.